1-70 Widening Project through Elyria-Swansea, Denver, CO. 2022 The Latino neighborhoods of Globeville, Elyria and Swansea were decimated by the I-70 in the 1960s, and are currently being retraumatized through a massive highway expansion project. The new work includes a 14-lane sunken highway through these communities. While a park is being planned to be built on top, there is still great concern over the environmental impacts on the area.

Nestle-Purina & I-70, Denver, CO 2022.

Detours around Interstate Widening, Swansea, Denver, CO 2022.

I-70 West Sign, Elyria-Swansea, Denver, CO 2022.

The Interstate “Mousetrap” over Globeville, Denver, CO 2022.

I-70 & I-25 over Globeville, Denver, CO 2022.

Public Roads Administration - Federal Works Agency (predecessor to the United States Department of Transportation)., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons